Jupiter will be at its minimum distance from Earth in 70 years on September 27th. How best to see the planet

Jupiter will be at its minimal distance from Earth in 70 times on September 27th. How stylish to see the earth 

On the night of September 26( US original time), the distance between Earth and Jupiter will be the closest in 70 times. The earth in the sky tonight will be bigger and brighter than ever. 


According to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration( NASA), the distance between Earth and Jupiter on this day is about 587,41,560 km. The topmost distance is 965.66400 km. 


Jupiter is the largest earth in the solar system and the fifth closest earth to the sun. Jupiter has 53 named moons. But scientists believe that a aggregate of 79 satellites have been discovered. The four largest moons, Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto, are called the “ satellites of Galileo ”. Jupiter’s moons are visible through binoculars or telescopes and appear as bright spots on either side of Jupiter. 

NASA has stated that the ideal position for observation would be a point at high altitude with clear skies. 


“ With good binoculars, you should be suitable to see the bands( at least the central band) and three or four Galilean satellites, ” said Adam Kobelski, a exploration astrophysicist at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama. – It’s important to flash back that Galileo observed these satellites with the help of optics of the 17th century. One of the crucial requirements will be a stable mount for whatever system you use. ” 

Kobelski recommends a larger telescope to get a near look at the Great Red Spot and Jupiter’s bands. A 4 ″ telescope or larger and a many pollutants ranging from green to blue will ameliorate the picture. 


Scientists believe that studying Jupiter could lead to groundbreaking discoveries about the conformation of the solar system. The coming major Jupiter disquisition design is the Europa Clipper. The spacecraft plans to explore Jupiter’s moon Europa, known for its “ icy shell ”, and scientists are contending to find out if Europa has the conditions to support life. The launch of Europa Clipper is listed for October 2024.